


I have conducted studies on rainfall-runoff processes and biogeochemical cycles in forest ecosystems applying long-term field observations more than 20 years especially using isotopic tracer applications and state-of-the-art techniques.
Recent interest is describing the effects of bedrock groundwater dynamics on the water budget, mean residence time, and nutrients and materials cycles in the forest ecosystems.
The long-term field observation, which can reveal that the forest growth, maturity, and degradation will be reflected on the ground- and stream water chemistry, is the foundation of all of my works.
In addition to the long-term observation, I have been applying some new techniques such as high-frequency water quality sensors and/or thermal infrared imaging camera to monitor the abrupt responses of discharge, nutrient, and sediment transport to the extreme storm events.
Based on the combined approach of the long-term observation and high-frequency intensive monitoring of hydro- biogeochemical responses, I have been considering the effects of climate change and increasing extreme events on the vulnerability or resiliency of forest ecosystems.


1997    Bachelor of Agriculture (Department of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto Univ.)
1999    Master of Agriculture (Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto Univ.)
2002    Dr. Agriculture(Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto Univ.)


2002.4-  Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
2005.4-  Technical Assistant, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature
2006.4-  Senior Researcher, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature
2009.4-  Researcher, Lab. Forest Hydrology, Kyoto University, Japan.
2013.10-  Specific Associate Professor, Inter-Graduate School Unit for Sustainable Development and Survivable Societies, Kyoto University, Japan.
2018.4-  Specific Associate Professor, Lab. Forest Hydrology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Japan.
2019.4-  Professor, Lab. Forest Hydrology and Disaster Prevention, Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Kyoto Prefectural University, Japan.

Selected Recent Project Leadership Experience

"Elucidation of catchment structure and spatio-temporal scaling mechanism of rainfall-runoff processes by tracer applications", 2013-2016 PI, Funded by Japan Society for The Promotion of Science
"Re-evaluation of water purification function of the forest with high frequency measurements of water chemistry", 2017-2019 PI, Funded by Japan Society for The Promotion of Science

Selected Recent Research Funding

Japan Society for The Promotion of Science (2013-2016: 20,600,000JPY, 2017-2019: 13,000,000JPY)
Foundation of River & Basin Integrated Communications, Japan (2011: 2,000,000JPY)


KATSUYAMA, Masanori, Ph D.
Laboratory of Forest Hydrology and Disaster Prevention
Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences,
Kyoto Prefectural University.
1-5 Shimogamo Hangi, Sakyo, Kyoto 6068522, JAPAN
Office: room 3006
Phone: +81-75-703-5630
e-mail: e-mail_KPU.jpg(9758 byte)

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