Junior Associate Professor, PhD (Science)

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Kyoto Prefectural University, Japan


Adress: 1-5 Shimogamo Hangi-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8522, Japan
Email: y-nishida[-at-]kpu.ac.jp


Apr. 2018 -- Mar. 2021 Department of Science of Environment and Mathematical Modeling, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Doshisha University (Doctoral program)
Apr. 2016 -- Mar. 2018 Department of Science of Environment and Mathematical Modeling, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Doshisha University (Master's program)
Apr. 2012 -- Mar. 2016 Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Doshisha University

Research Experience

Apr. 2024 -- present Department of Science, Technology and Informatics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Kyoto Prefectural University, Junior Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Apr. 2022 -- Mar. 2024 Department of Information and Computer Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo University of Science, Assistant Professor
Apr. 2021 -- Mar. 2022 Organization for research initiatives and development, Doshisha University, Research Associate
Apr. 2020 -- Mar. 2021 Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Doshisha University, Research Assistant

Research Interests

max-plus (min-plus, tropical) algebra, graph theory, combinatorial optimization, cellular automaton, invariant theory,...

Acadamic Society

The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, The Operations Research Society of Japan, Information Processing Society of Japan


Doctoral Thesis

Studies on linear systems and the eigenvalue problem over the max-plus algebra, Doshisha University, 2021. http://doi.org/10.14988/00028179

Papers (Refereed)

  1. Y. Nishida, S. Watanabe, Y. Watanabe: Similarity and isospectral transformation of max-pkus matrices, RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu, B96, 149-167, 2024.
  2. K. Kitai, Y. Nishida, Y. Watanabe: Max-plus algebraic description of evolutions of weighted timed event graphs, Theory of Computing Systems, 68, 1427-1441, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00224-024-10191-x
  3. Y. Ooga, Y. Nishida, Y. Watanabe: On max-plus two-sided linear systems whose solution sets are min-plus linear, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 694, 283-306, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.laa.2024.04.014
  4. Y. Nishida, S. Watanabe, Y. Watanabe: Triangulation of diagonally dominant min-plus matrices, Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 34, 297-332, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10626-024-00397-z
  5. Y. Nishida, S. Watanabe, Y. Watanabe: Independence and orthogonality of algebraic eigenvectors over the max-plus algebra, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 73, 87-105, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1080/03081087.2024.2316781
  6. Y. Nishida, S. Watanabe, A. Fukuda, D. Yanagisawa: Fuzzy cellular automata with complete number-conserving rule as traffic-flow models with bottleneck, JSIAM Letters, 14, 143-146, 2022. https://doi.org/10.14495/jsiaml.14.143
  7. Y. Nishida, A. Yamada, Y. Watanabe: Characterization of tropical projective quadratic plane curves in terms of the eigenvalue problem, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 644, 172-191, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.laa.2022.03.004
  8. Y. Nishida, K. Sato, S. Watanabe: A min-plus analogue of the Jordan canonical form associated with the basis of the generalized eigenspace, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 69(15), 2933-2943, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1080/03081087.2019.1700892
  9. Y. Nishida: Max-plus linear algebra and its applications, Transactions of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 31(3), 172-196, 2021. (in Japanese) (survey paper) https://doi.org/10.11540/jsiamt.31.3_172
  10. Y. Nishida, S. Watanabe, Y. Watanabe: Combinatorial algorithm for the computation of cyclically standard regular bracket monomials, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 103, 46-65, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsc.2019.10.023
  11. Y. Nishida, S. Watanabe, Y. Watanabe: Maximum and optimal 1-2 matching problem of the different kind, Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, 24(1), 245-261, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1080/09720529.2020.1833439
  12. Y. Nishida, S. Watanabe, Y. Watanabe: On the vectors associated with the roots of max-plus characteristic polynomials, Applications of Mathematics, 65(6), 785-805, 2020. https://doi.org/10.21136/AM.2020.0374-19
  13. Y. Nishida, S. Watanabe, A. Fukuda, Y. Watanabe: q-VFCA: q-state Vector-valued Fuzzy Cellular Automata, Journal of Cellular Automata, 15(3), 207-222, 2020. https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.02653
  14. Y. Nishida, S. Watanabe, Y. Watanabe: A characterization of bases of tropical kernels in terms of Cramer's rule, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 601, 301-310, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.laa.2020.05.018
  15. H. Izumi, Y. Nishida, S. Watanabe, Y. Watanabe: The maximum 1-2 matching problem and two kinds of its variants, Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, 11(05), 1950050, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1142/S1793830919500502

Conference Proceedings (Refereed)

  1. Y. Nishida, K. Yamasaki, S. Watanabe, A. Fukuda, Y. Watanabe: Convergence of vector-valued fuzzy cellular automata with weighted-averaging rules, Proceedings of AUTOMATA2023: Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.14152, pp.48-59, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-42250-8_4
  2. Y. Nishida: Solving max-plus linear systems by level sparsification, Proceedings of SIAM Conference on Applied and Computational Discrete Algorithms (ACDA23), pp.159-168, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1137/1.9781611977714.14
  3. Y. Nishida, S. Watanabe, A. Fukuda, Y. Watanabe: Traffic flow models with two kinds of vehicles in terms of the vector-valued cellular automata and their fuzzification, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Mathematics : Pure, Applied, and Computation (ICoMPAC2021), AIP Conference Proceedings, 2641, 020006, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0114966


  1. Y. Nishida, K. Yamasaki, S. Watanabe, A. Fukuda, Y. Watanabe: Convergence of 3-state 3-neighbor complete number-conserving fuzzy cellular automata, Reports of Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science, Tsuda University, 42, 109-119, 2021. (in Japanese) (non-refereed)
  2. M. Amino, Y. Nishida, Y. Watanabe: Criteria for recoverability of rectangular polyhedra in terms of linear programming, The Harris science review of Doshisha University, 60(2), 37-44, 2019. http://doi.org/10.14988/pa.2019.0000000270 (in Japanese) (refereed)

Talks (International)

  1. 〇Y. Nishida, S. Watanabe, Y. Watanabe: Duality Theorem for Max-Plus Algebraic Determinants, The International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Technology 2024 (MathTech 2024), Penang, Malaysia, December 2024.
  2. 〇Y. Nishida, K. Yamasaki, S. Watanabe, A. Fukuda, Y. Watanabe: Convergence of vector-valued fuzzy cellular automata with weighted-averaging rules, The 29th International Workshop on Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems (AUTOMATA2023), Trieste, Italy, September 2023.
  3. 〇Y. Nishida, S. Watanabe, Y. Watanabe: Analysis of traffic flow models by triangulation of min-plus matrices, 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM2023), Tokyo, Japan, August 2023.
  4. 〇Y. Nishida: Solving max-plus linear systems by level sparsification, SIAM Conference on Applied and Computational Discrete Algorithms (ACDA23), Seattle, USA, June 2013.
  5. [Invited Talk] 〇Y. Nishida: Algebraic eigenvectors of max‐plus matrices and applications, 9th International Conference on Matrix Analysis and its Applications (MAT TRIAD 2021), vurtual conference, October 2021.
  6. [Best paper Award] 〇Y. Nishida, S. Watanabe, A. Fukuda, Y. Watanabe: Traffic flow models with two kinds of vehicles in terms of the vector-valued cellular automata and their fuzzification, 7th International Conference on Mathematics : Pure, Applied, and Computation (ICoMPAC2021), virtual conference, October 2021.
  7. [Young Scientist Award] 〇Y. Nishida, S. Watanabe, Y. Watanabe: On the vectors associated with the roots of max-plus characteristic polynomials, 8th International Conference on Matrix Analysis and its Applications (MAT TRIAD 2019), Liblice, Czech Republic, September 2019.
  8. 〇Y. Nishida, S. Konishi, S. Sakamoto, K. Yamasaki, S. Watanabe, Y. Watanabe: A fuzzification scheme for three states cellular automata, China-Japan Joint Workshop on Integrable Systems 2019, Hayama, Japan, August 2019.
  9. 〇Y. Nishida, K. Sato, S. Watanabe: A min-plus analogue of Jordan canonical forms, 9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM2019), Valencia, Spain, July 2019.
  10. 〇Y. Nishida, S. Watanabe, Y. Watanabe: Finding all solutions of min-plus linear systems using Cramer’s rule, The 14th SIAM East Asian Section Conference (EASIAM2019), Wuhan, China, June 2019.
  11. 〇Y. Nishida, S. Watanabe, Y. Watanabe: Solving tropical linear systems in terms of the shortest path problem, SAIM Conference on Discrete Mathematics, Denver, USA, June 2018.


Apr. 2022 -- Mar. 2026, JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists 22K13964
Project title: Diagonalization of max-plus matrices and its applications (Principal Investigator)
Apr. 2021 -- Mar. 2024, JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 21K03359
Project title: Fuzzification of 3-state 3-neighbor Cellular Automata and their dynamics (Co-investigator)
Apr. 2019 -- Feb. 2020, The Sasakawa Scientific Research Grant from the Japan Science Society
Project title: Construction of Max-Plus analogues of eigenvalues and eigenvectors (Principal Investigator)